5511 – T Dock. Complete. With 2 walkways.


SKU: 5511 Category:

Product Description

5511 – T Dock. Complete. With 2 walkways was conceived as part of the fully mobile package comprising sailboats, inflatable safety boat, modular dock, crane and trailer.

The Hansa Modular Dock & Pontoon System:

  • Enables Hansa sailboats to operate easily from a beach or lake shore
  • Provides for the transferring needs of sailors and makes life easier for helpers
  • Allows boats to operate from deep water and removes any effort from centreboard handling
  • Is easily broken down for storage and transport
  • Offers? two systems – the “T” Dock and “H” Dock

The ?T? dock has one main float with the walkway attaching at its centre.

T-dock Assembly Instructions